Double Scotch Gold Candy Asley    VDH/ZBrH COL 70105 (MET COLL. 3145/07)  zobel-weiß  HD-A CEA-PRA-Kat-frei (S) 10.01.07  MDR1: +/-
Black Beauty vom Rhododendronwäldchen    tricolour  CEA-PRA-Katarakt frei  HD: B

Bilder vom K-Wurf ab 7. Woche

Großeltern Ur-Ur-Großeltern
Emryks Desiged to Love    LOL 22384 (KCR AC04143808)  zobel-weiß  HD-A CEA-PRA-Kat-frei Emryks Look Again    KCSB 0265 CM  zobel-weiß  HD-A CEA-PRA-Kat-frei
Lynway Stay Cool    KCSB 1702 CJ
Emryks Pixie's in Love    KCR X1341102X02
Emryks a Gift of Love    KCSB 0268 CM  zobel-weiß  HD-A CEA-PRA-Kat-frei
Emryks Lot's O'Love toAaronwell    KCR S3413203S03  zobel-weiß
Emryks Pixie's in Love    KCR X1341102X02
Ch.  Video Star of Slatestone    MET COLL. 401/H799 (LOL ???)  zobel-weiß
Int & H Ch.  Wee-King's Gold A.T.C.    MET COLL. 1152/01  zobel-weiß
Ch.  Brylin Misty Shadow at Carostar    LOL21828 (KCSB 3279 CE)  zobel-weiß, HD-B, CEA-PRA-Kat.-frei/93
Queen's Councel of Slatstone    LOL Q/77/93  zobel-weiß, HD-C
Double Scotch Gold Mary Poppins    MET COLL. 5/99  zobel-weiß Star Warrior of Slatestone    LOL S/392/95  zobel-weiß, HD-A, CEA-PRA-Kat.-frei/96
Double Scotch Gold Ginger    MET COLL. 3614/94  zobel-weiß
Old Golden Gates  Frarndale
Rus. & Ukr. Ch.,  Ukr. Winner 2002  Margaret's Dust eclipse Troydon Blind Date  blue-merle  CEA-PRA-Katarakt-frei  HB: B
Rus. Ch. & Club-Ch.  Golden Gates  Paramour in Paradies
Ukr. Ch.  Troydon Saddle Tramp
Ukr. YCh. & Ukr. Ch.  Golden Gates Run Softly
Westoak First Food
Black Lolita vom Rhododendronwäldchen    tricolour  CEA-PRA-Katarakt frei  HD: B
Troydon Blind Date  blue-merle  CEA-PRA-Katarakt-frei  HB: B
Clubsieger 1998, Dt. Ch. Club & VDH  Blueroyce Midnight Arrow    tricolour  CEA-PRA-Katarakt frei  langhaarig  zur Zucht empfohlen  HD: A
Blueroyce She´s Got Soul  tricolour
Int.Dt. & Dt.-Ch. (VDH)  Rosegarden's Nice Black Magic, tricolour  CEA-PRA-Katarakt-frei  HD: A2
Vanessa vom Traumland    CEA-PRA-Katarakt-frei  d'zobel-weiß  HD: A
Dt. Jugendchampion  Sissi Sausewind vom Traumland  zobel-weiß, HD: A